Why You Must Never Flush Cat Poop Down Your Toilet - Important Information



The writer is making a few good observations on Can You Flush Cat Poo or Litter Down the Toilet? as a whole in this post beneath.

Can You Flush Cat Poop Down The Toilet?



As cat proprietors, it's necessary to bear in mind exactly how we deal with our feline friends' waste. While it might seem practical to flush feline poop down the toilet, this method can have damaging consequences for both the atmosphere and human health.


Alternatives to Flushing

The good news is, there are more secure and a lot more liable ways to take care of pet cat poop. Think about the complying with options:


1. Scoop and Dispose in Trash

The most usual technique of throwing away cat poop is to scoop it right into a naturally degradable bag and toss it in the trash. Make certain to use a committed litter inside story and dispose of the waste immediately.


2. Usage Biodegradable Litter

Choose eco-friendly pet cat clutter made from products such as corn or wheat. These litters are environmentally friendly and can be securely disposed of in the trash.


3. Bury in the Yard

If you have a lawn, take into consideration hiding pet cat waste in a designated area away from vegetable yards and water resources. Make certain to dig deep adequate to stop contamination of groundwater.


4. Mount a Pet Waste Disposal System

Buy a pet dog garbage disposal system especially created for feline waste. These systems use enzymes to break down the waste, reducing smell and ecological effect.


Health Risks

Along with environmental concerns, purging pet cat waste can additionally posture health dangers to human beings. Cat feces may consist of Toxoplasma gondii, a bloodsucker that can cause toxoplasmosis-- a potentially serious ailment, specifically for pregnant women and individuals with weakened body immune systems.


Ecological Impact

Purging pet cat poop presents harmful pathogens and parasites into the water supply, positioning a significant risk to aquatic communities. These contaminants can negatively influence aquatic life and concession water high quality.


Final thought

Responsible pet possession prolongs beyond providing food and sanctuary-- it likewise involves correct waste monitoring. By refraining from purging feline poop down the toilet and going with alternate disposal methods, we can decrease our ecological impact and safeguard human wellness.


Why Can’t I Flush Cat Poop?


It Spreads a Parasite


Cats are frequently infected with a parasite called toxoplasma gondii. The parasite causes an infection called toxoplasmosis. It is usually harmless to cats. The parasite only uses cat poop as a host for its eggs. Otherwise, the cat’s immune system usually keeps the infection at low enough levels to maintain its own health. But it does not stop the develop of eggs. These eggs are tiny and surprisingly tough. They may survive for a year before they begin to grow. But that’s the problem.

Our wastewater system is not designed to deal with toxoplasmosis eggs. Instead, most eggs will flush from your toilet into sewers and wastewater management plants. After the sewage is treated for many other harmful things in it, it is typically released into local rivers, lakes, or oceans. Here, the toxoplasmosis eggs can find new hosts, including starfish, crabs, otters, and many other wildlife. For many, this is a significant risk to their health. Toxoplasmosis can also end up infecting water sources that are important for agriculture, which means our deer, pigs, and sheep can get infected too.


Is There Risk to Humans?

There can be a risk to human life from flushing cat poop down the toilet. If you do so, the parasites from your cat’s poop can end up in shellfish, game animals, or livestock. If this meat is then served raw or undercooked, the people who eat it can get sick.

In fact, according to the CDC, 40 million people in the United States are infected with toxoplasma gondii. They get it from exposure to infected seafood, or from some kind of cat poop contamination, like drinking from a stream that is contaminated or touching anything that has come into contact with cat poop. That includes just cleaning a cat litter box.

Most people who get infected with these parasites will not develop any symptoms. However, for pregnant women or for those with compromised immune systems, the parasite can cause severe health problems.


How to Handle Cat Poop


The best way to handle cat poop is actually to clean the box more often. The eggs that the parasite sheds will not become active until one to five days after the cat poops. That means that if you clean daily, you’re much less likely to come into direct contact with infectious eggs.

That said, always dispose of cat poop in the garbage and not down the toilet. Wash your hands before and after you clean the litter box, and bring the bag of poop right outside to your garbage bins.



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Enhancing Home's Property Worth through Proven Bathroom Planning Methods

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We've unearthed the article about How a Bathroom Remodel Can Increase Your Home Value listed below on the web and believe it made sense to write about it with you on this page.

How to Get the Most Value Out of Your Bathroom Renovation
When it involves adding value to your home, the professionals in realty will certainly agree that to capitalise in the bathroom as well as kitchen likely ensures profitable returns.
If you're considering making your residence interesting potential buyers, then among the top places to start remains in the shower room. With plenty of devices as well as devices on the market, choosing that will inevitably permit you to gain the rewards is daunting.
When it involves shower room layout, what is it that many people really desire? Would certainly choosing a spacious whirlpool bath over a typical bathroom be monetarily useful in the long run?
Would not making your bathroom be a a lot easier job if you were equipped with a guideline of what tickled the fancy of possible buyers? If you're going to create your restroom get it right the very first time round to stay clear of flushing away hard-earned pounds.



Hello simplicity

From as far back as the 1960s much emphasis was positioned on bold colour in the washroom. Formed wall surface tiles of nautical animals and also outrageous colours were the trend, in addition to plastic. Plastic bathroom decor was the trend, from vibrant orange, olive environment-friendly, mustard yellow and chocolate brown coloured tooth brush, soap and towel owners, to thick formed plastic shower curtains that screamed colours of the boldest nature.
As the moments moved on, the 1970s as well as very early 1980s came to be a period when gold washroom mendings and also equipping, such as faucets, towel rails and toilet roll owners, were considered really fashionable. These ostentatious gold trimmed attributes were popular, and bathroom decor was 'loud'. Added to this were those as soon as fascinating washroom collections in colours avocado, reefs pink, as well as chocolate brown. Shower room colour has altered considerably over the past decade, and also shades have actually ended up being more neutral, often with a tip of colour that adds a complementary vigour to the general scheme.
Of the many numerous individuals who participated in Plumbworld's current restroom study, an overwhelming 82 per cent claimed they "hated" the as soon as glorified avocado and coral reefs pink shower room suites, colours remnant of 1970s as well as 1980s, which are usually characterised as being dark and also plain.
According to the study, chrome shower room faucets were much chosen to gold.
So, when creating as well as enhancing your shower room keep those dark colours away, consider white collections, and also go with chrome dealings with as well as home furnishings rather than showy gold.



Shower power

When intending the design of your washroom, among the most important aspects to think about is putting a shower. Some washrooms do not have ample room to consist of a shower work area, so analyze your alternatives. Take into consideration installing a shower over the bath if space is restricted.
The study revealed that 94 percent of its individuals thought that a shower in a shower room was really crucial, as well as 81 per cent said they preferred a separate shower unit in a large shower room. Nearly 65 per cent stated their ideal would be a power shower, while 27 percent liked mixer showers, and only 12 percent went with electrical showers.
If you have actually selected a shower over the bath, after that consider placing a fixed glass display rather than a shower drape. It might cost a couple of added pounds, yet more than half of the study's contributors favored a set glass display to a shower curtain.



Choosing your tub

Contrary to usual belief, adding a whirlpool bath to increase home value does not always do the trick. So if you're pondering offering your residential or commercial property, try to stay clear of buying a whirlpool bath in the hopes of gaining added revenue.
The study revealed that close to 53 percent of its individuals were not phased by them, while only a tiny 38 per cent of participants "liked" them. Surprisingly, 62 per cent stated they had "no strong sight" towards edge baths either, which means the standard rectangle-shaped bathrooms still hold clout versus their spruced up counter parts.



Washroom flooring

Attempt to avoid need to place carpetings on the restroom flooring, according to the survey it is not also favoured. The survey revealed that the recommended floor covering was tiles, with 75 per cent claiming they "liked" a tiled washroom floor. Popular plastic floor covering has not yet lost its area in the bathroom, with more than 61 per cent stating they really did not have any strong sort or disapproval towards it.
When selecting your washroom flooring, ceramic tiles is the favoured alternative, but if the budget plan is limited, after that vinyl flooring will not allow you down.
Besides the flooring, see to it your home windows look appealing. When it comes to dressing your shower room home windows, stay away from those bathroom nets as well as material drapes. The survey revealed that 94 per cent stated they favoured blinds in the washroom to curtains.



Maintain it tidy

If you are planning to put your home on the market, check your washroom for those tiny generally unnoticed defects, like mould on the silicone sealant around the bath, as well as also on your shower drape if you have one. Possible buyers might see these small faults, which might send then running!


The 5 Benefits Of Renovating Your Bathroom


Looking for simple renovations that will give your home a face lift? Start with your bathroom, especially if you have pink tile and a baby blue toilet. Outdated bathrooms can stop potential buyers in their tracks. Even if you're not looking to sell, it's nice to feel like you're living in the current decade. Besides increasing the value of your home, the bathroom can be a place to get creative and have some fun. Here are five major benefits a bathroom re-do can offer:


Increase your home's value


According to HGTV.com, a minor bathroom remodel gives you a 102% return at resale. A minor remodel encompasses replacing the tub, tile surround, floor, toilet, sink, vanity, and fixtures, then perhaps finishing off the project with a fresh coat of paint on the walls. As you renovate, keep in mind the color and decorating trends of today and if those trends will have lasting value in the future.


Save money now


Replacing leaky faucets, adding aerators, and installing an on-demand water heater and a water-efficient toilet will save you big bucks on utility costs.


Become a more peaceful oasis


Performing your daily ablutions in a messy, unattractive space with old, substandard fixtures can be a source of stress. With a renovation, you can unwind in a claw-foot tub and dry off afterwards with heated towels. You can choose colors and textures that will help you relax and soothe stress away, taking you to your happy place.


Reduce clutter


Poorly designed bathrooms invite clutter, so when you renovate you can increase storage capacity with the smart designs available in today's cabinetry. You can finally find discreet homes for your towels, cleaners, toiletries, and medicines.


Become more eco-friendly


You can reclaim and repurpose an older porcelain sink, saving it from a landfill. Or you can buy new fixtures and materials from companies developing products that are energy-efficient, low-tox, biodegradable, and/or recyclable.


How to Get the Most Value Out of Your Bathroom Renovation


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Nearly everybody may have their private conception when it comes to How to Tell If You Need a Water Line Repair or Replacement.

Homes get water from a main source which might be public or private. This water line is normally installed underground with top quality pipes that should last for a very long time. Nevertheless, as time proceeds the materials used in the water lines come to be more prone to environmental or interior problems that trigger them to wear away. Thus, we can come across plumbing problems like leakages, staining, bad water stress, foul odors, etc. Issues with your water line need to not be taken with levity as they can advance to extra serious damage. Common water line issues consist of;


  • Leaking shutoffs

  • Mineral deposits

  • Broken or damaged pipes

  • Corroded pipelines


Just how To Know That Your Water Line is Damaged

Being underground, issues with your water line can go unseen for years up until substantial damage has been done. Nonetheless, there are some pointers that you can keep an eye out for. Being able to recognize these signs implies that you can ask for specialist help on schedule. A few of these consist of;


  • Vibrating noises in pipes when no water is running

  • Pools on your grass when it has actually not rained

  • Water leak on the streets

  • New cracks to your house's structure

  • Low tide stress

  • Discolored or stinky water

  • Mold and mildew, mold, and also dampness at the lower levels of your house

  • These guidelines show an underlying issue that should be expertly taken care of asap.

    Usual Sources Of Water Line Issues

    Your water line being buried underground exposes it to a lot of interior and external conditions. Any kind of damages received can be as a result of one or more of the following;

  • Corrosion

  • Insect damage

  • Penetrations by tree roots

  • Soil interruptions

  • Interior mineral build-up

  • Damage

  • Cold and also thawing and also several others.


The Dilemma of Repair Work or Replace

House owners are usually faced with these two choices anytime there's a plumbing problem. It is necessary for you to carefully evaluate the situation at hand and relative to previous and also future indications make an enlightened option. Reviewing this with your plumber is extremely recommended. If the water line is old (regarding 50 years old) you must be thinking about replacing it. This is because such plumbing troubles are related to aging ad are likely to return. If you have actually been repairing underground plumbing troubles for some time, a complete replacement will certainly likewise save you a more frustration in the future. Nevertheless, if the materials are not old and also can easily be fixed for less than it will take to change, choose the repair alternative.


Trenchless Water Line Repair Service

As opposed to old approaches which need complete excavation of the waterline, the trenchless approach uses the option of fixing damages within a shorter time. It includes the installation of pipelines of smaller diameter within the old ones. This dimension distinction as little or no impact on efficiency. This technique is advantageous due to the fact that it is non-invasive as well as inexpensive. This technique enables fixing to be completed within a day or 2 with minimum disruption to your lawn.




The main water line leading to your home is one of the most critical components of your property’s plumbing system. If it happens to break, you’ll need a professional plumber to repair or replace the degraded components, which can be both costly and time-consuming. Plus, not only can a broken water line cause extensive flood damage, but it can also cause damage to the street, causing it to crumble. Fortunately, there are several warning signs which indicate your property may require water line repair. An awareness of these factors can help you to get your water line checked and repaired before it’s too late:


Frequent clogs


One of the most common signals that your property might need water line repair is periodic, unexplained clogs. You may start to notice that clogs are becoming more frequent and harder to clear. If this is the case, the cause can be less to do with the internal plumbing of your home and more to do with the main water line. A professional plumber can perform a water line inspection and let you know if repair is required.


Noisy fixtures


Even though plumbing systems include the flow of water, it doesn’t mean that your plumbing system should be overly loud when in operation. If you hear pipes clanging when you turn on the water supply, your toilet gurgles when you turn on the tap, or you hear whistling or dripping sounds regularly, these are indicators that one or more pipes in your Atlanta, GA, home are damaged. These symptoms also indicate there could be an issue with your main water line.


Low water pressure


When there’s a blockage in the main water line, such as tree roots or clogs, you’ll see a change in water pressure. A large enough leak will cause a noticeable drop in water pressure and slow the amount of water coming into your home. If you’ve noticed that even with a pressure regulator, you do not see a normal amount of pressure, then a water line repair might be required. If you’re not getting any water at all entering your home, this is a sign that your water line has ruptured completely. Common causes of restricted water flow that can affect mains water pressure are excessive mineral deposits and tree root punctures. If you notice a sudden change in water pressure, call a plumber right away to determine the cause.


Pooling water


One of the most common signs that indicate an issue with the main water line is the presence of pooling water. If you see unexplained puddles forming in your yard, soggy patches of lawn that were previously fine, or extra-lush grass and plants growing near your main water line, these are all indicators of a below-ground leak. Water leaking into the soil adds extra moisture that the nearby plants can use to grow quicker than in other areas of your yard.


Excessive rust and corrosion


Older water pipes, such as those used for mains water lines, used to be constructed from iron, which is heavily susceptible to rust. If you’ve got an older water pipe running into your home, it is better to replace it with copper piping as these modern pipes are much more resistant to oxidation and corrosion. A water line inspection can identify the type of water line you’ve got running into your home and determine whether you would benefit from water line replacement to ensure rust doesn’t affect your water quality. White, chalky deposits and green spots on visible pipes can also indicate excessive rust may be affecting your plumbing system.


Warm basement flooring


Particularly if you start to notice any warm spots under your basement flooring, you may be experiencing a hot water line leak underneath your foundation slab. You might also see other signs of water damage in your basement such as mold, wet flooring, and cracks starting to appear.


Water Line Repair and Replacement


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Five Signs You Require Water Line Repair

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Presented here below you can get a lot of excellent answers about Replacing Your Service Water Line.

Water Line Maintenance: Importance and Benefits
Residences obtain water from a central source which might be public or personal. This water line is typically installed underground with high-quality pipes that need to last for a long time. Nevertheless, as time proceeds the products utilized in the water lines become more at risk to ecological or internal problems that create them to weaken. Thus, we can come across plumbing troubles like leaks, discoloration, inadequate water pressure, foul odors, etc. Troubles with your water line must not be taken with levity as they can progress to extra severe damage. Typical water line problems consist of;


  • Leaking valves

  • Natural resources

  • Broken or broken pipes

  • Rusty pipes


The Dilemma of Fixing or Replace

Property owners are usually confronted with these two selections anytime there's a plumbing issue. It is necessary for you to very carefully assess the scenario available as well as with respect to previous and future indications make an informed selection. Discussing this with your plumber is very recommended. If the water line is old (concerning 50 years old) you need to be thinking about changing it. This is since such plumbing troubles are connected with maturing ad are most likely to reoccur. If you have actually been fixing below ground plumbing issues for some time, a total substitute will likewise save you an additional frustration in the future. However, if the products are not old and can quickly be fixed for less than it will require to change, opt for the repair service option.


Typical Sources Of Water Line Issues

Your water line being hidden below ground exposes it to so many interior and also external conditions. Any type of damages received can be due to one or more of the complying with;


  • Deterioration

  • Insect damages

  • Infiltrations by tree roots

  • Soil interruptions

  • Inner mineral buildup

  • Deterioration

  • Cold and also thawing and numerous others.


How To Know That Your Water Line is Damaged

Being underground, issues with your water line can go unseen for several years until significant damages has actually been done. Nevertheless, there are some guidelines that you can look out for. Being able to identify these indications indicates that you can ask for specialist aid on time. Some of these include;


  • Shaking sounds in pipelines when no water is running

  • Pools on your yard when it has actually not drizzled

  • Water leakage on the streets

  • New cracks to your residence's structure

  • Low water pressure

  • Discolored or smelly water

  • Mold, mildew, as well as moisture at the reduced degrees of your house

  • These guidelines show a hidden concern that has to be properly addressed asap.

    Trenchless Water Line Repair

    Unlike old approaches which call for full excavation of the waterline, the trenchless approach uses the alternative of fixing damages within a shorter time. It involves the installment of pipelines of smaller sized size within the old ones. This dimension difference as little or no impact on performance. This method is advantageous because it is non-invasive and also cost-effective. This approach makes it possible for repair work to be completed within a day or two with minimum disruption to your backyard.

    Water Line Repair & Installation Services


    Main water line issues should not be ignored, and they certainly will not go away on their own. These problems must be responded to immediately by a professional team. G.F. Bowman, Inc. is the company many Harrisburg, PA homeowners trust for all water line repair and replacement services. Whether it’s a small water line leak or a complete rupture in your water main, you can count on our expert staff to locate the issue and repair it quickly, protecting your home in the process.




    If there’s an excessive amount of water in the street near your house or your yard has become a virtual sponge, the odds are – there’s a leak.




    If you start seeing puddles inside your house, whether around appliances or next to doors or windows, give us a call.




    Water staining indicates a leak that has damaged the ceiling or floor below it.




    If you notice a substantial increase in your water bill, that is a good indicator that a leak has developed somewhere in the line.


    How to Tell If You Need a Water Line Repair or Replacement

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